Body as Everything, Paraphrases of Xiang Jing’s Works

Jiang Mei

The body is,
Lithe and heavy.
Invisible storm, comes from the inside of body
Advance, towards the existed depth.

Touch the uncertainty in the middle.
Language makes the nerve ends tremble.
The watcher feels like being burnt by the scorching sun,
Seems to be infected with malaria,
Suffers from cycles of chills, fever, and sweating.

A woman, tall, naked,
Walks straight towards you,
Tired and nonchalant,
or enthusiastic and sly
Magnanimous expressions, casual postures,
Silently declare:
We exist, exist in this way,
Without any concealment,
In the original shape of life.

This poem is my comprehensive impression and feeling about Xiang Jing’s recent works, and also the intuitive result of my internal agitation caused by these works. At that time, I felt that only these words and sentences could most directly and deftly express my emotions.
Let’s take this poem as an introduction to enter the subject.

Infant, little girl, young girl, pregnant woman, middle-aged woman, senile woman, every solar period of female life is presented through these phases before us; their characteristics are so vivid with so different flavors. When they appear as individuals, they usually would seem to be especially unique for appearance and temperament. They would often form a small universe, engendering their own atmosphere. And when they come together, though they have various appearances, they would be immediately recognized as from the same family, as they obtain very strong genes from their creator.
They don’t have prototypes, as Xiang Jing, the artist and their creator, doesn’t like to directly face the