The 4th Biennale of Art Changsha 2013

The Hunan Provincial Museum has already hosted three “Art Changsha” exhibitions in collaboration with Tan Guobin Contemporary Art Museum since the launch of the biennale in 2007, and have attracted attention and sparked constructive debates in China’s art-world, engendering a healthy and propitious environment for artistic developments in Changsha, and in Central-southern China.

On-site description
This site is also a “mix”. The Changsha Municipal Museum is a Cultural Revolution period architecture, and its Soviet aesthetics actually clashes with Xiang Jing’s works. Using the public hall-like reception area, Xiang Jing covers the wall with a red curtain. The elephant, peeking out from the curtain and questioning every visitor, seems to have come straight out from a fable. Along the designated route, the Otherworld – Invulnerable Creature partakes the meeting of Are a Hundred Playing You? Or Only One?. Acrobats and animals are scattered throughout the exhibition hall. In the end, Mortals – Only A Mirror Can Dream about Reflection leads the viewers onwards to the next artist’s unit.

Participating artists: Zhou Chunya, Xiang Jing, Ding Yi, Guo Wei.

Curator: Chen Jianming
Works by Xiang Jing: Works from Will Things Ever Get Better? series, Are a Hundred Playing You? Or Only One?